We’ve all heard the old saying “You are what you eat;” however, are YOU what you eat? We know that the saying doesn’t truly mean that if you eat a candy bar you become one; but it does mean that what you put in your body builds your body. You have the choice to build a healthy body or to build an unhealthy body. What type of body are you building?
Nutrition is an important factor in quality of life. If you eat well you feel well; if you feel well you enjoy your life and your body will thank you by being healthy too. The best part is you can start a healthy lifestyle and exercise program at any age; especially if you are safely guided by an experienced and highly skilled physical therapist or personal trainer from Live Your Life Physical Therapy.
Your Metabolism
Your body operates with two basic types of metabolism when you eat and process food. The first metabolic process is called the constructive process. The constructive process builds and stores energy from the food you have eaten. The process itself is called anabolism and promotes the growth and maintenance of cells (new cell growth is promoted), converting energy through body fat, and repairing tissue among other things.
The second metabolic process is the destructive metabolic process and its purpose is to break down the nutrients of what you have eaten to create energy. It provides energy to the body and breaks down the molecules of the nutrients in order to release energy instead of building it up inside the body. This process is called catabolism.
The catabolism process has three components to it. One component is the resting metabolism, which is responsible for ensuring normal bodily functions. This process is called the Basal Metabolism and is constantly happening within your body, even if you are at complete rest, making it the main component of the metabolic process. It is responsible for processing between 60% – 70% of the food you take in. Those who want to lose weight want the highest basal metabolic rate (BMR) they can achieve.
The second component of the catabolism process is Physical Movement. This is any movement your body does, from simple everyday movement to extensive exercising. It accounts for utilizing 25% of the calories you consume.
The third component of the catabolism process is the Thermic Effect of Food and accounts for about 10% of the calories you consume from food. The Thermic Effect of Food is the actual processing and digesting of the food you consume.
How Your Metabolism Works
With the components explained above you can see that the calories you expend when you take in food work like this:
Calories expended from the Basal Metabolism which is 60%-70%
Calories expended by Physical Movement +25%
Calories expended by Digestion of the Food +10%
In order to lose weight you want to increase your metabolism, which will thereby burn more calories. You can do this by making changes in your lifestyle and the kinds of food you chose. One of the easiest ways to increase your metabolism is by increasing your exercise. If you are someone who doesn’t move around much (a couch potato) then beginning with just a small amount of increased movement can raise your metabolic rate. However, exercise has to be done properly; which is where Live Your Life Physical Therapy comes into the picture. LYLPT can assess your abilities and create a one-on-one exercise routine for you that will not overwhelm you and encourage you to stick with the program. The fact that we come to you helps you stay motivated and gives you a higher chance of success! The end result is a healthier, stronger body on the inside and the out. We all know the benefits of exercise include a healthier heart, stronger lungs, and an overall increase in energy. The best part is we can work with you no matter what age you are and no matter what physical shape you are in because we provide an experienced and highly skilled physical therapist or personal trainer to walk with you every step of the way.
Nutrition Basics
Many people think that reducing the number of calories you take into your body is the way to get healthy; however nothing could be further from the truth. Food is like gasoline for your body; providing your body with energy. By eating the proper food you can create a healthier you with ease. Your body needs to take in certain types of foods for fuel.
Needless to say, eating a healthy diet regularly will not only make your body feel better but it will help increase your energy and help avoid many diseases that are connected to both obesity and processed foods. Diabetes is on the rise due to obesity and improper diet; both Type I and Type II Diabetes are affected by your diet so proper nutrition is key to avoiding Type II diabetes and helping your body regulate blood sugar levels if you already have diabetes. Many cancers have been linked to a poor diet, along with heart disease. Needless to say if you truly do take the words to heart that “You are what you eat” then changing to a healthy diet can make you a healthy person. Add some exercise to your day and I guarantee that between these two changes, which can be done as slowly or a quickly as you desire, will make a world of difference to how you feel.
You deserve to Live Your Life Healthy. Utilizing a physical therapist or personal trainer who can come to you, anywhere in the Twin Cities and surrounding suburbs, will be the first step to being healthy and feeling wonderful. Give Live Your Life Physical Therapy a call today so we can assess your needs and abilities. We will create a program for you based on your current lifestyle and abilities. It’s never too late to get healthy!
Dedicated to Keeping You Healthy & Active,
Dr. Eva Norman
President & Founder
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Live Your Live Physical Therapy, LLC
We specialize in transforming the lives of seniors, adults and teenagers with a wide array of diagnoses and conditions in their home or location of choice. You deserve to be your best self through good health and wellness. We would love to have the privilege to work with you or a loved one.
Request a FREE Consultation Today!