May is National Arthritis Month and Live Your Life Physical Therapy wants you to know that we are here for you to help you battle not only arthritis but the pain and limitations involved with having arthritis. There are over 50 Million people in America who suffer from arthritis each and every day. Many of those who suffer with the affects of arthritis live a life of chronic pain. Chronic pain is often harder to treat than “acute” pain and may last a lifetime. Chronic pain “…produces changes in the central nervous system, neurological changes that make the pain more and more entrenched and harder, over time, to treat.”
Many people don’t understand that there are over 100 various types of arthritis with only a handful commonly known to the general public. The most commonly known types of arthritis include Gout, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Bursitis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Tendonitis, and Fibromyalgia. Each type of arthritis can cause pain that can benefit from physical therapy. Arthritis such as Bursitis and Tendonitis may require “soft tissue therapy” along with other forms of manual therapy developed to get the joints moving and feeling less pain. Pain levels can vary from person to person but in nearly all cases relief from arthritic pain can be found by utilizing one of our highly skilled Live Your Life Physical Therapists. Through a customized program we design for you, we will work with you to alleviate your arthritic pain.
However, all is not grim when we talk about chronic pain. There is proof that exercise can actually trigger endorphins that will help generate positive brain waves, helping to alleviate pain. The more endorphins that are released, the better your chances are that your chronic pain can be managed well enough to continue a relatively high quality of life. Live Your Life’s physical therapists are extremely knowledgeable and experienced to work with both acute and chronic pain (both of which are affected by endorphins from exercise) with specific exercises and manual therapy that is proven to be beneficial.
Because of certain limitations that may come with your particular type of arthritis, our therapists will perform a comprehensive
evaluation and assess for any impairments and functional limitations you may have, along with determining what you are able to do. Once we have evaluated your condition we can put together a plan that can help address all the deficits identified. We can then begin to manage your pain and strengthen your body. For ongoing treatments we will come to you and work with you one on one for 60 minutes. We will teach you how to eliminate your pain in your everyday tasks and movements. We will also provide a number of treatment interventions to strengthen your body, improve your balance, increase your activity tolerance and return you back to the life you love. Later you can choose from one of our Wellness For Life Programs that may fit your needs once we’ve obtained a relatively painless and consistent lifestyle. Keeping your joints moving regularly will help your body fight the deterioration of the arthritis while releasing the endorphins that help you manage your pain.
Don’t let arthritis take over your life. You are not defined by the limitations from your arthritis, but instead by your ability to conquer your arthritis with a proactive approach. Live Your Life PAIN FREE by calling LYPT for a consultation today. Physical therapy for arthritis is not only a well proven way to lessen your pain but it can also help your overall quality of life by decreasing depression you may have from the chronic pain itself.
If you’d like to learn more about arthritis you can visit the Arthritis Foundation’s website and download a number of free brochures here.
Dedicated to Keeping You Healthy & Active,
Dr. Eva Norman
President & Founder
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Live Your Live Physical Therapy, LLC
[1] Arthritis Foundation® “In The Spotlight – December 2013”
[2] Robert Taylor, MD, a neurologist and medical director of the Ohio State University Medical Center for Palliative Care in Columbus – “What Causes Pain” by Susan Bernstein, Arthritis Today Magazine
[3] Arthritis Foundation® – Brochure “Diseases & Conditions”
We specialize in transforming the lives of seniors, adults and teenagers with a wide array of diagnoses and conditions in their home or location of choice. You deserve to be your best self through good health and wellness. We would love to have the privilege to work with you or a loved one.
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