I recently found an article in the New York Times that discussed teen health and the increasing teen obesity problem. It’s no surprise to find that today’s teens, like much of society, are becoming more obese and with obesity comes health issues. The study found that walking or riding their bikes to school reduced their risk for teen obesity by 33%. Referred to as “active commuting,” this activity was shown to make a difference in their overall desire to participate in other forms of exercise also.
How Can We Inspire Teens to Lead Healthier Lifestyles?
- Teach them by example – if they see that the adults around them are making healthy choices they will tend to follow. Making time for your own health is a good example for teens and younger children, that will often have them following suit without making a big deal about it.
- Make it a point to eat healthy dinners together – it’s been proven that eating together creates a healthier mental state, a closer knit family, and a sense of belonging. A project called The Family Dinner Project shared scientific evidence that there are not only social benefits but health benefits to family dinners. Children of families who eat dinner together have lower obesity rates and lower instances of eating disorders.
- Suggest your teen participate in sports – according to the NY Times article mentioned earlier, it is proven that teens who participate in at least one sport not only are physically healthier but mentally healthier. It doesn’t have to be a school sanctioned sport! Local community affiliated sports teams and programs are slightly less “win” oriented and will welcome children of all playing levels. Organized sports are a wonderful way to keep them busy after school and on weekends.
- Join a gym as a family – Your local YMCA not only promotes family exercise and fun together but will offer a variety of events that promote a healthy lifestyle. Many local gyms now offer babysitting for members also; so if you have a smaller child that you don’t always want to bring into the more intense workouts and games you can always choose one day a week that’s family gym time. The satisfaction you get from playing a fun game of HORSE on the basketball court or swimming in the pool will have them ready for family gym time every week!
- Utilize a personal trainer – if your teenager is inactive and a little embarrassed to get started, a personal trainer can be a great option to help them prepare. A personal trainer will help them feel more comfortable and teach them the proper techniques to avoid injuries. As teenagers, their growing bodies are very susceptible to injury; especially if they aren’t taught the proper technique. Working one on one with a personal trainer who understands how the body works and what your specific abilities are can make a big difference. You will be more likely to stick with the program when you are accountable to a personal trainer or workout partner also. Be smart and don’t just jump into a physical workout without guidance.
- Enjoy healthier foods – when kids take part in preparing a meal it gives them a sense of self worth, confidence and
understanding about both nutrition and preparation that will benefit them the rest of their life. Let them choose new recipes and “remake” old recipes so that they’re healthier. You don’t have to give up comfort foods; instead learn how to use healthier ingredients. Let them do some research on the benefits of certain fruits and vegetables.
The guidance of a registered dietician and personalized nutritional guidance can be helpful in teaching you and your family how to make subtle, effective changes. The end result isn’t just great food on the table regularly but a teen that grows up knowing how to cook as an adult.
- Limit inactive times – promote activities that require your teen to get up and move. Limit things like video games to only certain hours unless they are video games that require them to get up and move. Keep “lazy games” under lock and key so you know whose playing and when. Many of the game systems out there now offer the ability to be a part of the action. Make these games available most any time and limit play time of those that allow for just sitting and moving your thumbs and fingers.
- Take advantage of the weather – cold weather means you can bundle up and go sledding, ice skate, skiing, snowboarding, or even take walks together during the holiday season to view the neighbor’s lights. Summer means there’s no excuse not to get out there and swim, take a jog, or a brisk walk. Fall means the outdoors become crisp and colorful; take advantage of the beauty with a bike ride or walk.
An increase in unhealthy habits and lifestyles has caused an increase in health issues that were once limited to older people. We are finding that many teens are being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol levels well before it should ever be a typical health concern.
When you’re a teenager your peers can often be brutal. Going to school and being obese can lead to many social issues and self esteem issues along with physical health issues. Teen health is just as important, if not more important, than senior health. Making a difference in their lifestyle as a teen will instill healthy habits throughout their life. A healthy teen will result in a healthier senior later in life.
LYLPT wants you and your family to Live Your Life HEALTHY together. Talk to your teen about the importance of teen health, family health, and an overall healthy lifestyle.
Dedicated to Keeping You Healthy & Active,
Dr. Eva Norman
President & Founder
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Live Your Life Physical Therapy, LLC