February is American Heart Month which is a good reminder for us all to think about what we are doing each day to honor our heart. Diet plays a key role in heart health, so today I’m going to talk about four ways to show your heart some love.
- Eat at least three servings of vegetables every day: The lack of vegetable intake is one of the most common things I hear when working with clients. People often eat more fruit than vegetables, and forget how important vegetables are. Vegetables provide an abundance of nutrients that are essential for our heart including potassium, magnesium, fiber and antioxidants. 1 Aim to eat one cup of vegetables at every meal.
How can you eat more vegetables throughout the day?
-Order a side salad at restaurants instead of French fries
-Add sautéed vegetables to your morning omelets
-Add vegetables such as peppers, tomatoes or kale to soups
-Add spinach to a smoothie!
- Cut down on sugar: Sugar is hidden everywhere; especially in foods you wouldn’t think of such as soups, sauces and condiments. Sugar can lead to weight gain, increase fat in our tissues and increased blood pressure. These factors can be damaging to your heart and increase the risk for heart disease.
How can you decrease sugar in your diet?
-Swap cereal for eggs in the morning
-Buy plain yogurt and flavor it with fruit yourself
-Don’t keep sweets in the house
-Replace dessert with fruit
- Incorporate healthy fats daily: Despite what we have been taught to believe, certain fats (such as olive oil, salmon, avocados, nuts and seeds) can be very beneficial for the heart. That’s because they are full of omega-3 fatty acids that play a vital role in heart health by decreasing inflammation in the body. Omega-3’s also play a role in decreasing triglyceride levels, reducing joint pain, improving mood and supporting brain health. Our bodies are designed to have a balance of carbohydrates, protein, AND healthy fats, so start embracing them daily!
How can you incorporate healthy fats into your day?
-Top your salads with avocado slices
-Drizzle olive oil on your vegetables
-Eat almonds or walnuts for snacks
-Sprinkle flaxseed or chia seeds into smoothies or on eggs
- Drink more water: Water is essential for every single cell and organ in our body; including our heart. In fact, keeping your body hydrated with water helps to pump blood through your blood vessels more easily. Therefore, when we drink plenty of water our heart doesn’t have to work so hard.2 I recommend drinking half of your body weight in ounces of water every single day. For example, someone who weighs 160 pounds should drink 80 ounces (or 10 cups) of water each day.
How can you drink more water throughout the day?
–Drink at least one cup of water in the morning before you have coffee
–Swap out pop or juice with sparkling water
–Drink water at all meals
–Eat water-rich vegetables and fruit such as watermelon, strawberries, zucchini, and celery
Would you like to learn more about improving your heart health and diet? Schedule a dietary appointment today!
Health and Happiness,
Autumn Enloe, MS, RD, LD
Registered Dietitian
Live Your LifeTM
Bringing Physical Therapy & Wellness to You!
Autumn Enloe is a registered and licensed dietitian who holds a Master’s degree in Food and Nutritional Sciences. Autumn has worked with hundreds of clients on areas such as weight management, blood sugar support, gut health, mindful eating, and food sensitivities. She applies a holistic approach to nutrition and knows that our health is based on much more than just what we eat. Learn more about our dietary services here:
1 Why is it important to eat vegetables? https://www.choosemyplate.gov/vegetables-nutrients-health. Accessed on February 17, 2017
2 Staying Hydrated – Staying Healthy. http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/HealthyLiving/PhysicalActivity/FitnessBasics/Staying-Hydrated—Staying-Healthy_UCM_441180_Article.jsp#.WKei1xjMx-U. Accessed on February 17, 2017.