5 Ways to Get Active this Upcoming 4th of July

| Live Your Life PT

5 Ways to Get Active this Upcoming 4th of July

By: Live Your Life

The 4th of July is filled with parades, hot dog eating contests, fireworks, and spending quality time with friends and family all celebrating the day America signed the Declaration of Independence. Consider incorporating fun and healthy family friendly activities when celebrating the 4th of July. Here are 5 ways to get active this upcoming 4th of July:

  1. Go For a Walk: If you are able, try to go for a family walk to your local parade or fireworks viewing. This is an easy way to incorporate activity throughout your day. Looking for a challenge? Plan a hike at a local state park! Consider scheduling this activity for the morning when the temperatures tend to be cooler.
  2. Run a Race: Does your community put on July 4th 5K or 10K? Sign up no matter your current fitness level. You can always adjust the race to walk, jog, run, or a mixture of all three.
  3. Visit a Local Park: Spend time outside at a local park! Consider taking a walk around the park, playing with your kids or grandkids on the playground, or even packing a healthy picnic to snack on.
  4. Head to a Museum: Visit a history museum to learn more about our nation’s history and honor why we commemorate the 4th of July every year. Moreover, this allows you to be active inside and staying away from the sun’s harmful rays for a few hours.
  5. Go For a Swim: Looking for a way to cool off on a hot summer day? Head for a swim at a public pool or lake! This is an easy way to get some exercise in without even thinking about it.

Are you looking to get more active this summer or to establish a healthy routine and lifestyle? Click here to learn more about all our Live Your Life services. Contact us today to learn how our in-home services can improve your overall wellness and help you achieve your health goals!

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