Know The Facts – Breast Cancer Awareness Month

| Dr. Eva Norman

Breast Cancer Awareness

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! You may have noticed as you watched NFL® games or shopped in stores recently, that we are being taken over by the color PINK! (Not that this is a bad thing because it brings breast cancer awareness into the forefront of our thoughts)

Breast Cancer Facts

Breast Cancer Awareness


Breast cancer happens when the body’s natural health system malfunctions and cells grow to form a mass or “tumor” which becomes malignant. While researchers say that there is a higher risk of breast cancer for those who have family members that have had breast cancer, it is not necessarily a prerequisite for being diagnosed with breast cancer. Many women (and men) are diagnosed with breast cancer without a family history.


Men can get breast cancer & account for about 1% of breast cancer diagnoses
Age is a factor for breast cancer risk; as the older you get the higher risk you are
African American women are more likely to die from breast cancer than any other race
Breastfeeding can help reduce your risk
Exercise can play a huge part in not only reducing your risk and in recuperating from breast cancer
If breast cancer is diagnosed early & confined to the breast area survival rate is 99% (based on the 5 yr relative survival rate)
Most women who get breast cancer actually have no additional risk factors
Mammograms are suggested yearly for women age 40+ (unless you are a high risk patient)

Early diagnosis
– One of the most important things to remember about breast cancer is that the earlier you are diagnosed, the better your odds of beating it. This means that you must take a proactive approach and get regular mammograms, perform self exams, and have your Primary Care Physician and/or OB/Gyn check-up regularly.

A healthy lifestyle is always a factor in cancer prevention of any type and breast cancer is no different. Another proactive way of helping to deter breast cancer, healthy eating does make a difference. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables, especially those loaded with antioxidants, is highly recommended. When you think “high in antioxidants” think color! Colorful fruits and vegetables such as blue potatoes, red beans, and the list below as found on Web MD. This list actually ranks the foods in order of highest in antioxidants[2]. This is just another way to battle cancer while eating a healthy diet!

Breast Cancer Awareness


So while you take in the beauty of all the pink around you and become more and more “aware” of breast cancer, we want you to know that we’re here for you. Live Your Life Physical Therapy is here to keep you informed and help keep you healthy. If you or someone you love is battling breast cancer feel free to call us and ask how we can help them fight the fight. You may be surprised the role that physical therapy plays in recuperating and helping you find the strength to get through each day. We help patients regain confidence, improve lung capacity, move without pain, remain physically active, and live happy, healthy and productive lives. This is achieved using a combination of exercise, manual techniques, and home exercise programs.

We want you to Live Your Life PINK this month!


Dedicated to Keeping You Healthy & Active,

Dr. Eva Norman
President & Founder
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Live Your Live Physical Therapy, LLC


[1] Facts for this section, including the infographic, obtained from The Susan G. Komen website:


[2] WebMd –

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