Physical Therapy Can Help You Fight the Holiday Blues

| Dr. Eva Norman

The holiday season is upon us and for many, stress, pain and depression can put a damper on what should be a joyful time of year. But, have no fear, because Physical Therapy can certainly help!

Not only does physical therapy treat aches and pains related to work-related orthopedic injuries, but, studies show it can also help improve patients’ moods, too. Research has uncovered a link between pain and depression, suggesting that more than one-third of individuals with chronic back or neck pain also exhibit signs of depression.1

Numerous studies conducted during the last 30 years have indicated that exercise can in fact improve mood and mindset, even helping to peel back layers of depression. More recent research, including an article published in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, suggests that feelings and thoughts of depression may subside with the introduction of physical therapy for back and neck pain.1

Dr. Eva Norman, physical therapist and owner of Live Your Life reported, “We have seen firsthand how physical therapy has helped many of our orthopedic cases. We find that through manual therapy, therapeutic exercises and neuromuscular re-education, as well as our assessment of our clients’ emotional and social well-being, our patients improve tremendously. We work hard to subside their pain to ensure they are spending time with their family during the holidays to help their spirits.”

Proper identification of people exhibiting the signs and symptoms of depression can improve their chances for success in physical therapy. To give patients the best chance to succeed in treatment, physical therapists can often identify signs of depression based on screening tests and patient evaluations. Symptoms of depression may improve for patients receiving treatment designed to decrease pain and improve function, but others may require specialized treatment for depression symptoms in addition to physical therapy. A physical therapist may refer patients with unresolved symptoms of depression to another healthcare provider for appropriate management and treatment.1

Dr. Eva Norman also shared that her practice provides education to help individuals manage their depression during the holidays. Clients receive a handout developed by the Mayo Clinic of tips to prevent holiday stress and depression, as well as local resources to help with their depression.2

At Live Your Life TM we are here to help you with a wide range of services to keep your spirits bright. We offer physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, personal training, acupuncture, massage therapy, health coaching, along with dietary services. We wish you a beautiful holiday season filled with health, happiness and prosperity! 

 Live Your Life HAPPY with Physical Therapy!

Dr. Eva Norman

President & Founder
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Live Your Life TM


1Physical Therapy is Shown to Help Patients with Clinical Depression. Accessed December 18, 2016.

2Take Control of the Holidays. Accessed December 18, 2016

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