Acupuncture is a holistic healing form of therapy which was originated in China hundreds of years ago. It is a form of alternative medicine in which thin needles are inserted into the body to stimulate pressure points.
According to David W. Ramey and Bernard E. Rollin, who describes the evolution of acupuncture in their book “Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine Considered” (Wiley-Blackwell, 2003) it is noted that modern practice of acupuncture has changed considerably since it was first introduced in China.
Acupuncture is used mainly to relieve discomfort associated with a variety of diseases and conditions. Some of the benefits from acupuncture are listed below1,2,3
Drug-Free Healing – Acupuncture does not use any kind of drugs in order to heal the body. Acupuncture is done by stimulating pressure points
Provides Energy – Acupuncture is known to be extremely instrumental in providing energy and strength
Builds Immunity – Acupuncture is believed to develop and boost individual’s immune system. It makes one less susceptible to diseases if done on a regular basis.
Improves Blood Circulation – Acupuncture is also known to improve the blood flow in the body to prevent harmful conditions.
Reduces Chronic Pain – A study published in the Oxford Journals showed individual’s with chronic knee pain can benefit from acupuncture.
Treats Anxiety– There have been a number of studies done on the effects of acupuncture on anxiety, including generalized anxiety disorder, anxiety neurosis, and perioperative anxiety
If you want to learn more facts about Acupuncture, schedule a consultation with our Acupuncturist today!
Stay Healthy!
Cici Madawala, B.S.
Director of Marketing
Live Your LifeTM
Bringing Physical Therapy & Wellness to You!
Cici Madawala graduated from St Cloud State University with Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication and minors in Geography and German.
She is passionate about helping people and strives to help individuals get back on healthy routines and do the things they love. In her leisure time, she loves to travel, and explore other cultures and cuisines.
1“Importance of Acupuncture” Organic Facts. Date Accessed 26 April, 2018.
2 “Benefits of Acupuncture” Massage Therapy. Date Accessed 26 April, 2018.
3 “Acupuncture for Treating Anxiety and Depression in Women: A Clinical Systematic Review” Medical Acupuncture. Date Accessed 26 April, 2018.
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