August is National Immunization Awareness Month, an annual observance highlighting the importance of vaccination for people of all ages. Life has been anything but routine lately. A sometimes overlooked result of the COVID-19 pandemic is that many people have missed routine medical checkups, routine …
Read PostDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, activity levels dropped for a lot of people. Between stay-at-home orders, gym closures and working from home, people became more sedentary. On top of that, there were shortages of equipment like dumbbells and bicycles, making staying …
Read PostHealthy eyes are important at any age, and while most adults name eyesight as the most important of their five senses, 83% of them believe that worsening eyesight is inevitable with age.1 There is good news however, there is something …
Read PostI do not know about you, but truthfully, there are few moments in a day when I am focused and meditating upon my blessings and abundance, compared to the many moments in a day when I am preoccupied by my …
Read PostBurgers, Fries, and Fourth of Julys? As with most holidays, visions of the 4th of July usually involve food…lots of food; but that does not mean it needs to be unhealthy food. When we eat better, we feel better, so …
Read PostAre you twisted? Ever notice one leg looks longer than the other or you are much more flexible on one side than the other despite your best stretching efforts? Maybe you’ve laid down and noticed one foot falls out and …
Read PostWe specialize in transforming the lives of seniors, adults and teenagers with a wide array of diagnoses and conditions in their home or location of choice. You deserve to be your best self through good health and wellness. We would love to have the privilege to work with you or a loved one.
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