As this week of Active Aging Week comes to a close (September 22-28) I found myself thinking about a saying that has started to become quite common… “Be proud of growing old; as it is a privilege that many are denied.”
Truer words could not have been spoken, as it truly is a privilege to be able to grow old. Many people use phrases such as “age gracefully” or “age with perfection” but the reality is that our bodies will age no matter what we do to try to stop it. However, the idea of celebrating a particular week that is geared towards Aging Actively is something that I believe every one of us, no matter what age, should think about. Making us aware of HOW to age is the KEY to reminding us that we are in charge of the way we age. We can age without thought or we can choose to age with a positive attitude and approach. I know it gets harder and harder to be active as our body ages; but, with the proper knowledge and guidance we really can “Age Actively.”
The fact is that as we age, whether it’s from our teenage years to our twenties or from our 60’s to our 70’s and older, we are in charge of HOW we age. We can sit back and become less and less mobile. We can do less and less as we begin to feel the aches and pains. We can accept that one way of aging is without activity, without proactive measures, and without thought. This type of aging tends to lead to more health issues.
Our other option is to Age Actively! This doesn’t mean we have to run marathons, participate in triathlons, or be world class weight lifters in our age class. This means we simply can choose to keep our bodies moving because, as the saying goes, A Body in Motion Tends to Stay in Motion. How do we remain active as we age and do so safely? What if we haven’t been active in quite some time?
The answer is simple… we utilize someone with knowledge and expertise about movement and the body. Live Your Life Physical Therapy, LLC has highly skilled and experienced physical therapists that can develop a wellness program that is tailored to your age and abilities, to address new or chronic conditions using an optimal combination of physical therapy and fitness training to help you move again.
Through our evidenced-based and outcome driven approach, we achieve positive outcomes by providing a high quality of care through one-on-one 60 minute sessions conducted by physical therapists in your home or the location of your choice. We have given clients and patients the confidence, the freedom and the ease of mobility to live the type of life they never thought possible. We utilize our skill set to help you age actively and continue to move around with fewer aches and pains.
You will also find that by aging actively, if you should have a medical condition that leads to surgery or requiring physical therapy, your body is going to recover faster as it is used to being active. Take the time today to call us for a FREE consultation or an evaluation with a personally designed plan of action to begin aging actively! It’s never too late to start!
We specialize in transforming the lives of seniors, adults and teenagers with a wide array of diagnoses and conditions in their home or location of choice. You deserve to be your best self through good health and wellness. We would love to have the privilege to work with you or a loved one.
Request a FREE Consultation Today!