According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), about 1 in 11 Americans have diabetes which equates to 29.1 million Americans being diabetic.1 With this disease blood glucose levels in the body are above normal. When we eat food, it turns into glucose (sugar) which the body uses for energy. The pancreas makes and secretes insulin to help work glucose through the cells.2 Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. A person who has type 2 diabetes, their body does not properly use insulin.3 By keeping track of blood glucose levels a person with diabetes can monitor the levels so that their sugar does not go too high or too low.
Type 2 diabetes accounts for the vast majority of diabetic diagnoses. If diabetes is not controlled, it can lead to other complications such as kidney failure, heart disease, adult onset blindness and potential amputations. Being overweight can lead to an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes.
Tips to help manage diabetes:
It’s not too late to start managing your health by improving upon lifestyle habits. By incorporating a healthy eating plan into daily meals can help control diabetes and minimize risks. Diet and exercise are also important in prevention for developing type 2 diabetes. For more information on what the CDC is doing to reverse the diabetes epidemic in the U.S. check out their fast facts sheet.
Consult with your physician if you have any medical concerns. At Live your LifeTM we offer physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, personal training, acupuncture, massage therapy, health coaching along with dietary services.
Take good care of yourself today!
Dr. Eva Norman
President & Founder
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Live Your Life TM
Bringing Physical Therapy & Wellness to You!
1 Diabetes Accessed on November 6, 2016.
2Basics About Diabetes Accessed on November 8, 2016.
3Facts about Type 2, Accessed on November 7, 2016.