Healthy Does Not Have To Be Hard

| Sarah Johnson MS, RD, CFP

There is no doubt that healthier eating leads to better overall health, unfortunately knowing something is good for us is not always enough to motivate change.  63% of Americans believe that eating healthy is difficult and feels like sacrifice, and who can blame them- every time you turn around a new diet with new rules promises to be the key to health.[1]  

In the mountains of information these days it can be easy to get overwhelmed, but when we break it down, healthy eating is a lot less complicated than we like to make it.  Here are 4 small steps you can try in your intake, that will help you take a big step in your health journey.

Do not shop without a list

In many areas of life, when we do not have a plan, we are more easily swayed. Do not go to the store without a list if you have nutrition goals.  The grocery store is full of temptations, and having a plan helps us make wise choices.  At the store, you only have to say no to a temptation once, but once that food is in your house, you have to say no to it over and over again until it is gone.  If you need help creating a list, you can find a dietitian, or there are many apps out there that will do it for you.

Drink more water

Studies show that drinking enough water leads to maintaining a healthy weight, clearer skin, improved cognition, and better overall health.[2]  Drinking enough water can also make it easier to avoid temptations as thirst is often confused with hunger.  Confusing thirst for hunger can lead us to eat many unnecessary calories each day.  So, find a water bottle you like and get in the habit of filling it each night and placing it in the fridge.  Waking up to cold water ready to go with you each day can make this goal much more achievable. 

Add one thing a day…and connect it to a habit that is already there

We often overestimate the things we can get done in one day, and underestimate what we can get done in a year.  Therefore, small changes really are the key to long term success.  Setting out to cut out all junk food is overwhelming but saying “I am going to add a fruit to a snack today” or “I am going to add a salad to dinner tonight” is much more achievable.  Another thing that tends to make habits stick is known as Habit Stacking.  When you want to add something to your daily intake, add it to a time you already have a habit in place.  For example, if you always have coffee in the morning, say “I will have a piece of fruit with my coffee.” 

Take a Vitamin D Supplement in the winter

There are some things that food cannot fully address, and one of those things is proper intake of Vitamin D.  Vitamin D is crucial to our overall health for inflammation, bone health, heart health, your immune system, and much more.[3] Many Americans are Vitamin D deficient, especially in the winter months.[4] Talk to your doctor or dietitian about what level of supplementation is right for you.

Good health does not come from fad diets, cleanses, or pills.  Good health comes from daily habits that build upon each other.  Just like bad health does not happen overnight, neither does good health.  But one good decision does lead to the next, and before you know it your goals will become habits.  So, start with one a day and build from there- just keep building.

Need someone to help kickstart your nutrition plan or keep you on track? Contact us today to schedule your consultation with our dietitian Sarah!

Sarah Johnson, MS, RD

Sarah Johnson MS, RD is a Registered Dietitian for Live Your Life Physical Therapy, with a strong passion for helping people discover the healing power of food.

Sarah’s mission is to help educate and empower people by showing them simple ways food can help them regain their energy for life. She believes your body was designed to work well; you simply need the tools to get it back on track.

Sarah graduated from the College of St. Benedict with a B.A. in Dietetics and went on to receive an M.S. in Human Nutritional Science from the University of Wisconsin Stout where she focused on using nutrition to help those living with multiple sclerosis and other inflammatory diseases.

Sarah lives in Mahtomedi with her husband and 3 children and loves the access to nature Minnesota living provides all year round.


1 Foods, Del Monte. “1 In 3 Americans Say They Were Never Educated on Healthy Eating Habits.” 1 In 3  Americans Say They Were Never Educated on Healthy Eating Habits, 30 Jan. 2020, on-healthy-eating-habits-300995996.html.

2“How Much Water Should You Drink?” Harvard Health, 25 Mar. 2020,

 3Devje, Shahzadi. “Vitamin D: Benefits, Sources, Deficiencies.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 14 Jan. 2022,

4Wheeler Stephanie Certified by the American College of Spo, et al. “42% Of Americans Are Vitamin D Deficient. Are You among Them?” Mercy Medical Center, 21 Nov. 2018,,take%20presc               ption%20medication%20long%20term.





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