Struggling to Keep Those New years resolutions? You are not alone, by mid-February, 80% of us have lost sight of our ambitious goals.1 The key to success is not perfection, but rather not giving up.
“The most certain way to succeed, is always to try just one more time.”-Thomas Edison
If you have started to lose the motivation you kicked off 2022 with, not all is lost. Here are some ways to find that motivation again.
First, remind yourself of your WHY.
Maybe you are wanting to eat healthier or work out more to be able to keep up with your grandkids, or maybe you want to improve your balance so that you can remain living independently as long as possible. Regardless of what our goals are, research shows us that when we focus on the outcome (playing with grandkids) rather than the problem (I’m overweight), we are more successful in achieving our goals.2
Motivation comes and goes for us all. Some days it is easy to remember our why, other days it is not. Putting up visual reminders on a bathroom mirror or on the fridge, can help keep us focused. This visual reminder can be a note saying, “drink more water”, or it can be a picture of someone you love who is your motivation for staying healthy.
Break it Down- Choose One Step a Week.
When goals feel too big, they are easy to push aside. When we break those goals into small steps, we are more likely to make progress. It is important, as the saying goes, to “focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase”. Rather than focusing on how much weight you want to lose, or how far you want to be able to walk or run, focus on what you can do today to get you one step closer. Below are some examples of daily goals that build to reach your annual goals.
-Pack your lunch AND SNACKS the night before when you are not hungry or in a rush. You will be far more mindful of what you pack.
-Fill a water bottle at night and put it in the fridge. In the morning you will have nice, cold water to grab and go.
– Add an extra vegetable to dinner and plan to eat it first.
-Walk for 10 minutes on your lunch break
-Take the stairs when possible
-Stand up while talking on the phone.
-Stretch or do crunches during at least one commercial break at night
Stress Reduction:
-Before bed write down 3 things you were grateful for that day. You will be amazed at how this little task changes your mindset.
-Write the word “Breathe” on a piece of paper and put it on your bathroom mirror. When you see the note- take a moment to take a few deep breaths. We often go through life so rushed that we forget the immense power of a deep breath.
-Focusing on the movement goals above will help to also reduce your stress- remember: motion changes emotion!
Each day we are given is a new opportunity to learn and to grow, so keep on moving, no matter how slowly. You got this!
Sarah Johnson MS, RD is a Registered Dietitian with a strong passion for helping people discover the healing power of food.
Today’s world offers more nutrition information at our fingertips than ever before. However, when it comes to nutrition, there is no one size fits all solution leading many to feel exhausted by years of “trial & error”. Sarah’s mission is to help people weed through the noise and to educate and empower them on simple ways food can help them regain their energy for life. She believes your body was designed to work well; you simply need the tools to get it back on track.
Sarah graduated from the College of St. Benedict with a B.A. in Dietetics and went on to receive an M.S. in Human Nutritional Science from the University of Wisconsin Stout where she focused on using nutrition to help those living with multiple sclerosis and other inflammatory diseases.
Sarah lives in Mahtomedi with her husband and 3 children and loves the access to nature Minnesota living provides all year round.
1Guinness, Harry. “You Should Start Practicing New Year’s Resolutions Now.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 2 Dec. 2019,,starts%20with%20the%20resolutions%20themselves.
2“The Science & Psychology of Goal-Setting 101.”, 8 Dec. 2021,
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