Category: Healthy

Resistant to Resistance Training- 5 Exercises for Beginners

Resistant to Resistance Training- 5 Exercises for Beginners

Are you resistant to resistance training? Starting resistance training, also known as strength training, can be intimidating especially when you are a beginner. You may not know what muscles to strengthen, which exercises to choose, what the proper technique is, …

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Aging and Postural Control: How to Maintain Your Balance

Aging and Postural Control: How to Maintain Your Balance

What is Postural Control? Postural control is maintaining or restoring your balance during static and dynamic activity.1 Examples include maintaining good posture while standing or sitting or keeping your balance when walking. Depending on the perturbation (also known as a …

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Walking and Your Feet: Choose Proper Walking Shoes

Walking and Your Feet: Choose Proper Walking Shoes

The fundamental health benefits of exercise walking are many. Metabolically, it helps control weight, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels. A brisk walk can burn up to 100 calories per mile. Walking is the perfect complement to a sensible diet to …

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The Benefits of Physical Therapy After Stroke

The Benefits of Physical Therapy After Stroke

Stroke is a serious medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to a part of the brain is interrupted, causing brain cells to die1,2. Stroke can cause a variety of symptoms like weakness, paralysis, speech difficulties, memory loss, cognitive …

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Sitting is the New Smoking: 5 Ways to Combat These Dangers

Sitting is the New Smoking: 5 Ways to Combat These Dangers

Did you know sitting is the new smoking? Sitting for extended periods is linked with several health concerns1,2. These include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar and cholesterol levels, vascular problems, low back and spine issues, and weight gain1,2. Moreover, …

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5 Aerobic Activities That Can Be Done in 30 Minutes or Less

5 Aerobic Activities That Can Be Done in 30 Minutes or Less

The summer months can be busy for the entire family. From family gatherings to holidays and everything in between, it can be difficult to find time to exercise. Even though you may be short on time, there is plenty of …

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