Malnutrition is a topic that is widely misunderstood, and here in the USA, it is a growing concern among older adults. The problem is that because it is misunderstood, it often goes unnoticed until significant health issues arise. As a …
Read PostWhat is Sarcopenia? Sarcopenia is defined as an age-related, involuntary loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength.1 The loss of skeletal mass starts in the 4th decade of life with up to 50% of this mass being lost by the …
Read PostHeart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States.1 The term heart disease refers to several types of heart conditions with the most common type in the United States being Coronary Heart Disease (CAD).2 Age is the …
Read PostDid you know sitting is the new smoking? Sitting for extended periods is linked with several health concerns1,2. These include increased blood pressure, high blood sugar and cholesterol levels, vascular problems, low back and spine issues, and weight gain1,2. Moreover, …
Read PostExercising does not have to be hard! You do not need to spend hours at the gym lifting weights or running on a treadmill with no destination in site, especially if you do not enjoy these activities. Going for daily …
Read PostAs we age, many women find that once they hit 40, they “just can’t eat like they used to.” While this is often talked about, what is often missed, is the cause or the “why”. As we age, hormones change, …
Read PostWe specialize in transforming the lives of seniors, adults and teenagers with a wide array of diagnoses and conditions in their home or location of choice. You deserve to be your best self through good health and wellness. We would love to have the privilege to work with you or a loved one.
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