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Request an EvaluationPhysical Therapy Wellness Services
- Do you have a disability, or have you suffered from a traumatic incident or disease?
- Do you want to reduce your risk of falling or improve your balance?
- Are you looking to improve your fitness level?
The foundation of Live Your Life is the desire to help you reach your maximum potential. We offer diverse programs that are carefully designed to enhance your health, improve your level of fitness, and address any loss of ability to function in life. Using specialized techniques to improve a particular area or component of your body, our custom programs will help you accomplish your goals. Programs are available for individuals of all ages, and are designed to fit your abilities, needs and desires.
Wellness Therapy Services for Clients
Live Your Life FALL FREE
Have you suffered from a fall, or do you worry that you might be at risk of falling? Do you feel your balance is not as good as it should be? There are many reasons older people fall. We lose strength as we age or sometimes the systems in our body responsible for maintaining our balance become less effective.
At Live Your LifeTM , you work with a physical therapist or occupational therapist who will assess your risk for falling. We provide a multifactorial, evidence-based, and comprehensive evaluation to determine the root causes of the problem. We will work with you to design an effective program to correct those causes to help lower your risk of falling and live FALL FREE.

Live Your Life HEALTHY
Getting the right exercise prescription now is your best medicine. Plenty of research supports exercise as powerful preventative medicine for potential disease or injury. As an added benefit, reducing the incidence of disease can produce significant future healthcare cost savings for you. If exercise is medicine, what is your prescription? One of the best ways to find out -- Annual Physical Therapy Exam. It should be an essential part of your personal health care plan.
Exercise reduces the risk and severity of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and cancer. The keys to successful exercise: 1) Match your exercise prescription to objective findings, specific fitness goals, and defined health outcomes; 2) Measure and remeasure on an annual basis.
In our Annual Physical Therapy Exam, we will establish baseline fitness measures; identify specific, objective, and achievable goals; and prescribe the exercise dosage and frequency that best meets your needs and help you live HEALTHY.
If you want to improve your overall health and wellness and have a personally tailored exercise program to help you, then contact us today for your Annual Physical Therapy Exam.

Did you know that most falls happen in and around your home? According to the CDC, each year millions of adults ages 65 years and older fall. Are you concerned about fall hazards within your home? Make your home safe!
Our team of Physical and Occupational Therapists at Live Your LifeTM will travel to your home to perform a Home Safety Evaluation to help you Live Your Life SAFELY AT HOME. We will perform an assessment of your surroundings and make recommendations so you avoid injuries that may occur from unsafe conditions.
Home Safety checks include:
- Assessing living area for trip hazards
- Bathroom safety
- Kitchen safety
- Proper lighting
- Stair and Floor hazards
After the assessment, we will make recommendations to fix the issues and for adaptive equipment to enable you to be safe and to avoid potential injuries in the home. Solutions might include recommendations for specific strengthening exercises or changes to your home layout such as better lighting or the removal or taping down of throw rugs.
We want you to Live Your Life SAFELY AT HOME. We can help empower you to live independently for as long as possible.

Live Your Life DIZZY FREE
Do you suffer from dizziness, neuropathy, or vestibular problems that lead to difficulty with your balance? Do you have bouts where the room is spinning or tilting, and you feel like you are going to fall over? If so, then it’s time to start living DIZZY FREE.
Dizziness and Vestibular problems have many causes. A physical therapist trained in Vestibular Rehabilitation can help determine the cause and frequently resolve them.
Live Your Life therapists are trained to help you with your vestibular issues. Through our comprehensive, outcome driven approach, we will assess your condition and determine the cause of your issues. Using the current evidence, a treatment program will be devised and carried out. This program should be able to help reduce or resolve your symptoms, keep you safe, reduce your fear and anxiety, and help you live your life DIZZY FREE.

Are you one of the many who has osteoporosis now and are noticing your posture is changing? Do you have back pain or any other posture-related problems that limit your ability to move about confidently and without incident? Are you worried you may experience postural changes down the line?
Age related postural changes can be a result of things such as injury or disease, osteoporosis, habit, or muscle weakness. Regardless of the cause you can do something to improve or prevent these changes. This program is an innovative and highly effective approach to help you improve your height, body alignment, strength, flexibility, and balance. Following a comprehensive exam, a specific program will be designed to address the primary or potential causes of your postural changes. Our Physical Therapists will help you feel “ TALL AND STRONG” in your life.

As an older adult, do your ordinary daily activities wear you out? Do you have a fear of falling or poor balance that’s keeping you from doing the things you enjoy? Do you miss the joy and fulfillment of an active lifestyle? The Senior Fitness program is specifically designed for older adults and can serve as your guide for getting you back on your feet in a manner and pace that specifically works for you.
In the SENIOR FITNESS program, we will assess your muscular strength, flexibility, aerobic endurance, and balance. These results, combined with established patient standards from the Rigi & Jones Senior Fitness Test, will help determine your customized exercise prescription.
With follow-up testing we will regularly monitor your progress to make sure you are on track to meet your goals. This program includes exercise instruction with progressions, and lifestyle adjustments.
If you wish to get yourself back in shape or back to doing all the things you love, contact us to find out how the SENIOR FITNESS program can work for you.

Are you concerned about your safety behind the wheel? Has a family member suggested you consider limiting your driving?
The “Assessment of Driving Related Skills” is for you. Our Physical Therapists or Occupational Therapists will test your skills and create a program that will help you remain safely independent.
The assessment includes testing of the following driving related skills:
- Vision
- Cognition
- Balance
- Gait
- Motor Function
The program includes a preparation for driving car checkout with a review of adjustments of the controls and safety equipment. It does not include an on the road car driving assessment. We will help you correct any deficits by designing a personalized action plan. We are committed to helping you remain safe and independent.
If you want to improve your sense of safety behind the wheel or just want to be sure you are still competently safe in your driving, contact us to find out how we can help you DRIVE SAFELY.

Do you have an upcoming surgery planned and concerned that you might not be as prepared as you would like to be? Are you worried the post-surgery recovery might take longer than we wish? Or are you strongly interested in recovering as quickly as you possibly can? This program is designed to help you get in shape to better tolerate and recover more quickly from your surgery. We will evaluate your current condition, strength levels, functional ability, and your ultimate desired activity level. Taking into consideration the issue you are having surgery for; we will design a pre-operative program so you are in the best shape you can be prior to your surgery.
We will help you build:
- Core Strength
- Flexibility
- Balance
- Cardiopulmonary endurance
We will also do a comprehensive home safety assessment and make recommendations for adaptive equipment, assistive devices, and home modifications as necessary.
When appropriate we can also provide caregiver training with emphasis on precautions, pre/post-surgical exercises, safety instructions, and use of adaptive equipment.

Live Your Life AT HOME
Do you fear you might not be able to remain safely in your home too much longer? Would you prefer to stay out of the hospital or a long-term nursing home care facility?
Using the following steps, Live Your Life has helped keep many clients at home and safe, and would like to do the same for you:
- Live Your Life Physical Therapists provide examination of your strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, and design a unique exercise program to address specific shortcomings.
- We perform thorough assessments every visit and identify red flags or changes to medical conditions.
- We monitor vital signs, weight, nutrition, hydration, sleep patterns, compliance with medication use and other treatment plans.
- We communicate with other health-care providers, caregivers, and families to ensure an effective plan is in place to prevent hospitalization and maintain independence.
- Caregivers and families are instructed to recognize signs and symptoms that may lead to the need for hospitalizations.
- We are available to accompany clients while they visit their doctor. We will serve as an advocate, ensuring that all issues are communicated effectively. We will work to assure continuity of care.
If you have a strong wish to remain in your home and safe, contact us today to find out how we can help you Live Your Life AT HOME.

The “Fit & Quick for Sport” program could best be seen as something that offers you all the benefits of a personal trainer, but with the expertise of a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Working one-on-one with a Live Your LifeTM physical therapist, you will craft a customized program that will help you improve your strength, agility, power, balance, flexibility, and endurance, to whatever level you desire.
This program is available for individuals of any age who are interested in either taking their fitness abilities to the next level or returning to a sport at whatever level you desire including triathlon and marathon training for beginners to elite athletes. Under the professional guidance of a physical therapist, we help ensure that you safely reach your maximum potential.
Sport-specific programs are customized to everyone’s exercise level and deficits.
Triathlon programs are 12 weeks or longer, half marathon programs are three months or longer, and marathon programs are six months or longer. This program is available and encouraged for teenagers, adults, and older adults. We primarily work with runners, bikers, swimmers, and tennis players.
If you are looking to return to a high level of sport after an injury or just to engage in a comprehensive tailored fitness program, contact us to help you live FIT AND QUICK FOR SPORT.

Wellness Physical Therapy Services for Organizations
If you’re looking to add value to your organization’s current wellness program, Live Your LifeTM offers a series of programs designed specifically for groups of seniors living in assisted living facilities, senior centers, and all other types of senior communities.
We can provide senior fitness testing, evidence-based group exercise classes, informative presentations geared towards seniors or some combination of your choosing, we cater to whatever level of assistance your facility desires.
Contact Live Your Life for interest in: upgrading your current wellness program, keeping your senior residents healthy and injury free, and want to promote physical activity.
Are you looking for an informative presentation for seniors in your community or your staff? Live Your LifeTM is happy to present at your facility on a variety of topics. We will also provide in person and virtual Continuing Education with CEU certificates for healthcare providers and staff at Adult Day Programs, Assisted Living Facilities, Nursing Homes, Senior Centers, and Senior Communities. We can customize a lecture for your specific needs. Our presentations are typically from 30-120 minutes long and are free of charge for your residents. For educational presentations to staff please contact Live Your Life to discuss the fee.
The following are examples of topics Live Your Life can provide for your residents:
- Aging & Exercise
- Balance & Fall Prevention
- Beginning an Exercise Program
- Dementia & Aging
- Dizziness
- Exercise: Solution to Aging & Inactivity
- Gait Speed – the 6th Vital Sign
- Osteoporosis
- Physical Therapy for the Older Driver
- Physical Activity: Key to Wellness and Successful Aging
- Visual Impairments
- Walker Safety
These are common topics for staff presentations:
- Aging & Exercise
- Balance & Fall Prevention
- Dementia & Aging
- Dizziness
- Ergonomics & Body Mechanics
- Evidence-Based Outcome Measures for the Older Adult
- Fall Risk Assessment: The STEADI Tool
- Osteoporosis
- Physical Therapy for the Older Driver
- Safe Patient Handling
- Vestibular Rehabilitation
- Visual Impairments
Contact us today to schedule your presentation!

The Senior Fitness Test for Facilities utilizes the “Senior Fitness Test” which is designed to help older adults determine how they can achieve and maintain a comfortable quality of life. Through a battery of fun and safe tests, seniors have their functional fitness assessed. The tests assess lower and upper body muscular strength and flexibility, aerobic endurance, and balance. They are reliable and valid have and have accompanying performance norms based on actual performance scores of over 7,000 men and women ages 60 to 94.
Your seniors undergo 30 minutes of testing, we explain their results, and provide recommendations on where they should focus their exercise to improve their functional abilities. If necessary, they will receive recommendations for further physical therapy care. All for a very affordable rate.
Contact us today to set up Senior Fitness Tests!

A major philosophy at Live Your LifeTM is to keep seniors moving to minimize or reverse some of the effects of the aging process. With evidence-based exercise programs, we create and tailor senior fitness programs to the population in the nursing home, assisted living facility, senior community, senior center, adult day program, and/or health club.
Classes are fun and include exercises that research has shown help seniors improve their health and quality of life. We teach the staff in the facilities how to effectively run the program by taking the class, watching us lead the initial class to the participants, and demonstrating their ability to run the classes with the assistance of handouts. Before starting any exercise program, we recommend that all participants obtain medical clearance.
Live Your Life FALL FREE:
45-60 minutes. Classes include exercises from the evidence-based Otago Fall Prevention Program, which has shown a 35-45% reduction in number of falls and injury from falls equally in men and women. Exercises are focused on improving flexibility, strength, balance, and aerobic endurance. Ankle and hand weights are used for resistance. Chairs are needed for seated and/or standing support. A balance screening is offered initially and quarterly to monitor progress.
Live Your Life ON THE MOVE:
Weekly 50-60 minutes for 12 weeks. Led by a certified On the Move instructor. This group-based exercise program was designed by physical therapists from the University of Pittsburgh for older adults to target the timing and coordination of walking. The program challenges the brain to match the timing and sequences of your movements with your posture to improve the smoothness and efficiency of walking.
60 minutes. To stay active and reduce the risk of falling, it’s valuable to use a Fall Prevention program that’s been shown to improve balance, strength, and fitness. S.A.I.L is designed specifically for older adults and focuses on balance, flexibility, and strength. This exercise class can be performed in a standing or seated position. The class is taught by a Doctor of Physical Therapy or Personal Trainer. Gain valuable health outcomes through participation in this program.
Live Your Life TAI JI QUAN:
60 minutes. Tai Ji Quan: Moving for Better Balance® is an evidence-based fall prevention and balance training program for older adults. Using the ancient exercise of Tai Ji Quan, you can reduce your risk of falls by improving your balance, muscle strength, flexibility, and mobility through coordinated movements in a slow, circular, flowing motion. This class can be done seated or standing and is adaptable for people of all different physical abilities.
60 minutes, 1 or more days per week. Classes focus on posture alignment techniques, core strengthening exercises, flexibility, balance and breathing techniques. There will be special attention on performing exercises with good technique and biomechanics with modifications as necessary to reduce strain in the body and joints. This class is taught by a Doctor of Physical Therapy, certified in Pilates and Postural Restoration. Improve your posture while building more core strength through Pilates.
Live Your Life IN BALANCE:
30-45 minutes. These wellness exercise classes consist of exercises which research has shown to improve balance. Foam pads are used to challenge participants’ balance. Chairs are needed for seated and/or standing support.
Live Your Life TALL & STRONG:
45-60 minutes. These exercise classes are an innovative and highly effective approach to improving posture, restoring body height, and reducing the risk of falling and fracturing. These classes benefit those with osteoporosis, osteopenia, back pain, and postural changes. Chairs are needed for seated and/or standing support. Yoga mats, stability balls, elastic tubing, stretch bands, and foam rollers are used.
Live Your Life STRONG:
45-60 minutes. These exercise classes consist of exercises research has shown improve muscular strength. Chairs, hand weights, elastic tubing, foam pads, and medicine balls are used.
Live Your Life with a HEALTHY HEART:
45-60 minutes. Exercise classes can either include a cardiovascular program or a cardiovascular circuit program. For the circuit program, hand weights, aerobic steppers and chairs are used.
Live Your Life EXERCISING for Memory Care:
30-45 minutes. Exercise classes are for individuals with dementia. The program is designed to be in the morning in a quiet environment with few distractions. Demonstrations and handheld assist by the instructor and a recommended assistant are used with minimal verbal instructions to avoid over stimulation.
It is recommended to update classes monthly.
Contact us today to set up Senior Fitness Tests!

For Dentists & Physicians:
Are you aware of recent legislation regarding the proper methods for transferring patients? Would you like to ensure you’re on board but don’t know how to implement it to your staff? If so, this program is geared specifically for you.
The Minnesota Safe Patient Handling Act’s goal is to keep staff and patients’ injury-free by using equipment and not people for lifts and transfers. It was adopted for hospitals, nursing homes, and outpatient surgery centers in 2007. This law was amended in 2009 to include medical and dental clinics. Clinics were required to develop a written safe patient-handling plan by January 1, 2012, requiring provisions for initial and ongoing training of staff with the appropriate documentation. Live Your LifeTMcan assist clinics by providing a presentation with handouts on proper posture, body mechanics and safe patient transfers. We utilize various pieces of equipment that are often necessary for safe transfers. For these situations we request the equipment be provided by the clinic.
For others:
Is your staff getting injured? Are you concerned about the safety of your staff, residents, and clients? This program can be customized to meet the needs of your business. Whether it is your annual training for staff returning to work from an injury, ensure that your staff has the necessary knowledge and skills to provide safe patient handling. We provide presentations tailored to meet your specific needs and to ensure that your staff demonstrates an understanding of transferring safely.
Contact us today if you are interested in having your office or facility transferring safely!

Live Your Life WELL AT WORK
Corporate Wellness Program
Employers with corporate wellness programs have employees who are healthier and more productive as well as enjoying decreased healthcare costs.
Conversely those employers without a Wellness Program have employees with greater incidence of chronic illness (e.g., diabetes and heart disease) resulting in increased health care costs. It’s also been shown unhealthy employees experience a wide range of work-related injuries such as muscle strain, carpal tunnel syndrome, stress fractures or back pain again resulting in higher costs and more lost work time.
Numerous scientific studies indicating the positive return-on-investment for wellness programs with the following benefits:
Reducing workers’ compensation and disability-related costs
Health care costs can be contained or even reduced
Increased productivity/Improved moral
Retention of key employees (companies that implement wellness programs normally experience a lower rate of employee turnover)
In addition, Wellness Programs provide substantial benefits to employees such as:
Stress Reduction/Pain Management
Increased Energy/Stamina
Improved Fitness Levels/Weight Management
Increased well-being/Self-image and self-esteem
Live Your LifeTM can provide comprehensive wellness programs customized to meet your business’ particular needs. Those programs can include:
Wellness PT Services
Nutritional Programs
Health Coaching
Weight Loss Classes
Wellness Presentations
Proper Work Ergonomics
Stress Management
Fitness Testing
Balance Screenings
Group Exercise
Contact us today to set up your Corporate Wellness Program!

What makes us different? Our care comes to you!
View Our Service AreaWe Are A ComprehensiveMobile Company Focused on Wellness, Fitness, Rehabilitation, and Prevention
We specialize in transforming the lives of seniors, adults and teenagers with a wide array of diagnoses and conditions in their home or location of choice. You deserve to be your best self through good health and wellness. We would love to have the privilege to work with you or a loved one.
Request a FREE Consultation Today!What Our Clients are Saying About Us

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